MINES ParisTech
ARMINES ( is a private non-profit research and technological organisation (RTO) funded in 1967, currently sharing 48 Joint Research Units (Common Research Centres) with the 6 Ecoles des Mines existing in France. ARMINES gathers public and private personnel and means, to perform contractual research activities and academic research training. With a total turnover of more than €44.7 million (2015), ARMINES is amongst the top of private contract research institutions affiliated to higher education entities in France. ARMINES is also member of EARTO (European Association of RTOs), EIRMA (European Industrial Research Association Management) and of the Carnot Institute. In terms of European activity, the Joint Research Units ARMINES is part of are involved in European projects since 1994 (FP4). In the last years, ARMINES has obtained 98 projects in the framework of FP7, including 11 projects as coordinator, and 30 projects in the framework of Horizon 2020, including one as coordinator and 4 ERC grants.