
WEBINAR – AVAILABLE: Tackling the environmental concerns for deploying geothermal energy

May 16, 2019

The first webinar has been recorded on May 16th, 2019 and it was followed by more than 100 people. The webinar presented the preliminary results of the GEOENVI project, which is working since November 2018. It has also been open to inputs and questions by participants, which were welcome to provide their perspective or comment on the methodology of the project.


GEOENVI project presentation by P. Dumas (EGEC)

Map environmental matters by A. Loschetter (BRGM)

Harmonized methodology for environmental impact assessment with a life-cycle perspective for geothermal systems by I. Blanc (MINES ParisTech)

Recommendations on environmental regulations by P. Valkering (VITO)

Geothermal market actors to implement GEOENVI tools by L. Torsello (COSVIG)


Link to the webinar